Bukene Secondary School har fått sitt hygienrum

Den 9 juli invigdes hygienrummet på Bukene Secondary School av Gun-Britt Wiberg. Flickorna och rektor Enock Busumbabutemi säger tack till Lions Club i Svedala som har sponsrat hygienrummet.

Bilden kan innehålla: 8 personer, personer som ler, personer som står

The hygiene room at Bukene Secondary school was opened on July 9 by Gun-Britt Wiberg. The girls and the headmaster at Bukene, Mr Enock Busumbabutemi, say Thank you to Lions Club in Svedala.


Du kommer väl på vårt medlemsmöte/styrelsemöte på Värbygården, Bara, i kväll kl. 18?!

Vi har många spännande och viktiga punkter på programmet, t.ex. projekt menskoppar, förberedelse till förstudien – SWOT-analys och att planera firandet av att det är 25 år sedan Tandalaföreningen konstituerades.

Tandalaloppet, Naverlönnskolan, Svedala

On May 11th the students of Naverlönnskolan arranged Tandalaloppet for the third year in a row. Tandalaloppet is a running race through Svedala, with start and finnish at the grand square (Stortorget).

We had about 50 runners this year, and 18 local shops and business sponsoring our race with prices for the fastest runners and for our lottery.

Weather was sunny and warm, and our students did a great job getting the race together with being responsible for the registration, the timing and making sure all the runners found their way around the course.

Tandalaloppet is a great way for our students to develop their entrepreneurial skills, and connect with the world outside of school.